
Born and raised in Virginia, Wise has lived in many places including Memphis, TN; Oxford, MS; Norman, OK; Germany and New Zealand. A mostly self-taught ceramicist for over a decade, as well as a mostly self-taught professional original and recording musician for over two decades, Wise also holds a BA in Art History from Sweet Briar College and an MA in Art History from the University of Oklahoma. Wise’s approach to her art is based in the invaluable interpersonal connections built specifically from raw life experiences that bring together people of differing backgrounds, celebrating human contact and conversation. Glossy glazes, delicate brushwork, and supple, organic lines juxtaposed with raw, rough clay, and hand-carved texturing explore the depth and intimacy of the human touch and presence when we genuinely sit down to get to know one another, riffing on the traditional connection of ceramics and gathering around food and table.
Wise works from the wheel altering after, and builds from slab and coil exploring the gamut of functional and sculptural works working organically with each step of the process. Firing mostly in wood and electric kilns, Wise pushes her techniques to achieve widely varying results between the two kilns, yet bringing them together in art shows and at her booth.